Weekly Notes - August 23, 2023

Weekly Notes - August 23, 2023
Posted on 08/23/2023
Image of Liberty Bell

                                     August 23, 2023

  • Beginning of the Year Documents – Please remember to go to the SchoolWise parent portal on our website to complete your beginning of the year documents. We currently have only half of our student documents completed. This information is vital, especially your child’s emergency contact information. Please have everything completed by this Friday, August 25th.

  • Back to School Night – Wednesday, August 23 – TONIGHT

Back to School Night Schedule:

          6:00             RSP & Accelerated Math

          6:30         Primary Grades (TK – 2)

       7:15         Intermediate Grades (3 – 6)

8:00             Time to go home!

We look forward to seeing all of the parents at Back to School Night.  Back to School Night is an opportunity for you to meet your child’s teacher and become acquainted with classroom curriculum, procedures, goals and expectations.  We are proud of our school and educational programs and welcome the opportunity to meet the parents and share our plans with you. 

Please respect the fact that Back to School night is not a time for individual conferences.  With so many parents, your child’s teacher does not have time to discuss individual student progress and concerns.  If you do have concerns about your child, please arrange a phone contact or conference time with your child’s teacher for another date.  Keep in mind that we will schedule regular conferences in November.  Daycare will be open for school aged children from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.  Back to School night is not a time to bring children to the classroom; it is a time for parents and teachers. 


  • Family Fun Night Thanks - Thank you to everyone who came out for Family Fun Night! We hope you enjoyed the delicious dinner and fun activities. We couldn’t have done it without all of you.

    Appreciations to the following for their donation of their time to make this a successful event: Frank Grant, Shelley Johnson, Patti Camgros, Mandy Gonzalez, Ana Ortiz, Matt Vizcarra, Javier Vega, Sierra Poppe, Kimberlyn Moffet, Suzy German, Eric Weis, Keri Michelucci, Aubrey Barajas, Ariana Barajas, Nick Barajas, Cherri Dye, Ryan Moffet, Michelle Lagos, Leanne Matto, Jenna Leal, Rachel Hudson, Mike Porter, Laura Houser, Natalie Rose, Shauna Vizcarra, Becky Chevalier, Samantha Mason, Kate McCoy, Stephanie Smith, Bryce Smith, Angela & Scott Bordessa, Shanan Burk, Margarita Arias, Ramey Weis, Dan Johnson, Alisa Campbell, Paulette Swallow, Gricelda Vega, Jenni Robfogel, Jackie Neuman, Kayla Todd, Rebecca Cook, Erika Wright, Elizabeth Conkling, Krista Lewis, Emily Anzelc, Erin Wood, Leah Maus, Stacey Halvorsen, Erin Dunnigan, Ryan Halvorsen, Marty Peterson, Miguel Gonzalez, Scott Campbell, Jennifer Peterson, Hailey Rivas, Nichole Rivas, Dave Adams, Amy Grant, Chris Rafanelli, Rick Hanson, Tammy Thomas, and  all Liberty teachers.  A big thanks to our event chairs: Celia Grant, Kendra O’Dwyer, and Brittney Goebel.

  • Morning Drop-Off and Afternoon Pick-Up Reminders—For the safety of all children, please review:

    • Please be courteous to our neighbors on Liberty School Road. Do not block their driveways.
    • Students dropped off before 8:00 and picked up after 2:45 for primary and 3:15 for upper grades will be sent to daycare.
    • Please have child ready with jackets and backpacks when you pull up for drop-off.
    • Remember to pull up to the greeter when dropping off or picking up.
    • Students should not get out of the car before arriving at the greeter.
    • Students should use the passenger side for getting into and out of their cars.
    • Please do not park in the center aisle and walk with children across the drive loop.
    • Please do not use the back of the school for dropping off or picking up students.
    • Please walk on the outside of the driveway loop (do not walk behind cars).
    • Please do not cross through traffic unless you use the crosswalk in front of the multi-use room.


  • Electronic Weekly Note-As a part of our effort to save money and reduce our consumption of natural resources, the Wednesday Note is electronic.  Please check out our website every Wednesday for our updated Wednesday Note and to sign up for an email reminder of any updates. 



To Ponder…

The greatest gifts you can give your children are the roots of responsibility and the wings of independence.

- Denis Waitley