December 21, 2022 Weekly Note

December 21, 2022 Weekly Note
Posted on 01/06/2023
Liberty School BellDecember 21, 2022

• Winter Program – Tonight - 6:30 p.m. -Our new music teacher, Victoria Hayward, and our teachers have been preparing the students for a wonderful program. Students should arrive by 6:15 p.m. but not before 6:00 p.m. The location is the Doubletree Hotel in Rohnert Park. Please enter the hotel at the main entrance, turn right in the lobby, and proceed toward the Grand Ball Room. For your information:

o Students should not wear hats, headbands with antlers or other items that could block another student.
o All pre-school and middle school age children need to be with their parents and not roaming around independently. This is both disruptive to performers and a safety concern.
o Please step out of the hall if caring for a baby or infant that is fussy.

• Winter Break - Our Winter Break begins at 11:45 for TK & K students and 12:10 for 1st – 6th grade students Thursday, December 22nd and runs through January 6th. We will return on Monday, January 9th. Everyone at Liberty wishes our families a safe and joyous holiday season!

• Winter Break Daycare – Daycare will be open on Wednesday and Thursday of next week and Wednesday and Thursday of the following week. The other available days did not have enough enrollment to stay open. Please check with Daycare if you plan on attending.

• Canned Food Drive – Thanks to everyone that participated in the 6th grade canned food drive. Over two large barrels of food were donated to help families through the Redwood Empire Food Bank.

• Liberty School Giving Tree - Once again, The Liberty Community proves to be amazing! Thank you to everyone for your donations. We could not do it without you. If you missed out, please consider making a donation. Donations will go toward supporting The Liberty School Giving Tree. Your support helps to provide a Happy Holiday to families in our community. Thank you to my team of elves who make this all possible: Mrs. Grant, Cindy Worden, Hisela Barajas, Aubrey Barajas, Ariana Barajas, Ione Gareis, Bradley Worden, Kate Worden, Cheri Dye, Krista Lewis, Jenn Peterson. Happy Holidays! Melissa Sapiane

• Holiday Shop - The Holiday Shop Elves want to thank everyone for making it a successful event this year! Especially Margarita Arias, Jennifer Dibble, Kim Cordero, Tiffany Kelly, Kim Brown, and Christa & Joe Rieger. Also thank you to Amy Picknard, Jamie Fowler, Becky Chevalier, Ramey Weis, Samantha Mason, Leah Maus, Tiffany Street, Ana Ortiz, and Stacey Halvorsen. This event would not have been possible without our volunteer elves! We hope that the children enjoyed it as much as we did. Now that the shelves are bare, if, over the Holiday Break, you come across any items that you would like to donate to the Holiday Shop for next year, please set them aside for a donation drive that will be held on Friday January 20th at drop off in the morning and at pick up in the afternoon or by appointment. Thank you again!!

To Ponder…
Nothing in the universe can stop you from letting go and starting over.”